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Sports Funding

In April 2013, the government announced that it was providing all state-funded schools with primary aged children with a share of £150 million of funding to improve the quality and provision of PE and sport.  

The money is intended to be used to create a lasting legacy for the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games by inspiring our sport stars of the future and by encouraging all children to enjoy a healthy and active life-style.

Schools can decide on the best way to use their funding and we would like to inform parents of how some of it has already been used, as well as some plans for the near future.

Earlier in the year, our PE subject Leader, Mrs Leigh, sent questionnaires to staff, children and parents to find out what they thought the strengths were of the PE and sport curriculum at Greengate and areas we needed to develop.  

Many thanks to all parents who took the time to return theirs. Below is a summary of actions that have been taken, or that are due to be taken in response to the information collected:

  • Our PE Subject Leader has attended several courses to help her plan a new curriculum.  She has also received some training to help her find ways to provide enjoyable experiences for children who are less keen on physical activity.

Mrs. H.Leigh - PE Co-ordinator

  • So far this year, Greengate staff have received INSET training in dance and gymnastics in order to refresh their knowledge and to give them new ideas for activities to engage and interest children.
  • Our PE Subject Leader spends an afternoon per week, working in different year groups with children and alongside various staff members.  This has enabled her to create a picture of the provision across the school from first-hand interaction with the children.   It has also been used to allow teachers to share good practice.  Mrs Leigh has worked in Year 6 and Year 4 to date.
  • Re-organising and re-writing of the new PE curriculum has begun and some new and exciting units are being put in place throughout the year.
  • Gymnastics coaches Brenda McMinn-Baille and Sadie Balfour now deliver 2 extra-curricular sessions, allowing more children to participate but also allowing a focus to be put on participating for enjoyment as well as competition.
  • Current PE and sport equipment has been audited and new equipment has been purchased, including a smart new team kit for competitions!
  • Children have represented the school in several competitions organised by our local School Games Organiser, for example Key Steps Gymnastics.  We have also sent children to participate in several non-competitive events organised by our SGO, for example a cross country run, hockey training and a Sportability experience afternoon.
  • Our Subject Leader is currently developing a Change for Life Club, which is designed to engage children who generally are less interested in PE and Sport in its typical form in schools, by giving them new activities to try.
  • We will be re-launching our Play Leader scheme by providing some older children with training to help them use their skills to organise and run lunch-time games for the younger children.
  • Further coaches will be invited into school to work with staff and children and we anticipate this will be in rugby, cricket and tennis.
  • A link is being developed with a nearby school to enable us to offer more competitive sporting experiences for children.

Cycling at our school!

We are working hard to increase the active participation of children outside of school hours! One idea we have had is to involve children in cycle training and join in with the Big Pedal so that cycling or scooting to school becomes part of their daily routine! 


This years Sports Funding is being updated.