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The Arts

Trinity College London, as part of our GOLD STATUS award (October 2014) :

‘Greengate Junior School makes excellent provision for the arts. A good amount of curriculum time is devoted to the arts which is enriched by partnerships with artists and arts organisations. Pupils are consulted about the creative curriculum and are asked to discuss, vote and decide upon a topic to be studied which includes all four art forms.

Pupils are given good opportunities to develop leadership through the arts and ‘arts leaders’ represent the school. The school runs Arts Award Discover and in future will provide opportunities for pupils to take Arts Award Bronze in Year 6. Pupils’ progress and achievements in the arts are shared with the community through the school’s social media pages, the school’s website and local newspapers. The leadership of the school has created a reflective environment where all staff and pupils can contribute to the development of its arts provision. The school has robust procedures for evaluating all aspects of arts provision and determining future priorities.’