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SEND & Inclusion Welcome

Greengate Junior School is a fully inclusive school.

At Greengate, we believe that education is a partnership between home and school; it is about sharing the same expectations and about everyone working together to achieve the best for your child.

We strive to develop effective learning in a stimulating and challenging environment where the needs of all children are met. 

Whatever your child’s strengths we will endeavour to help them to achieve their full potential. 

We will keep you informed about your child’s progress and achievements in school and we strongly encourage you to contact us if you ever have any concerns about any aspect of your child’s life at school.

At Greengate, we aim to match the children’s needs with appropriate support.  Help may be given in a variety of ways, ranging from high quality whole class teaching, intensive small group work or one to one support. 

All children requiring support which is additional to or different from that which is normally provided, have their needs recorded and their progress monitored.

We believe that inclusion is essential in ensuring the equality of opportunity for all learners whatever their age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, disability, attainment and background.

This demonstrates our commitment to valuing the diversity of the school community.  We do our best to ensure that children enjoy coming to school and it is important to us that they develop a love of learning over the time that they are in school. 

It is accepted that many children will experience some form of difficulty at some time in their education.

We work closely with the Local Authority and other agencies to help ensure the needs of all pupils are met.

The pages within the drop down menu set out information about our provision for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND).

They are updated annually. Greengate Junior  School operates its SEND provision in line with the Cumbria County Council SEND Handbook .

To access more information in relation to this view Cumbria’s  Local Offer.

Our Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCo) is Miss Angela Phillips and she can be contacted on 01229 812592.

Our governor with responsibility for SEND is Mrs Elaine Jamieson.